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Use select spellmoney(1234567) from dual On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 2:13 PM, Kanvik via oracle-dev-l wrote: Posted by Kanvik(Oracle AppsTechnical) on Oct 7 at 4:45 AM i.e. I want to convert 111 into one hundred eleven. I know i can do this through tochar(todate(111,'J'),'JSP) but then it limits upto 10 lakhs. If the amount is in crore then its gives its out of range for Julian date. Can anybody Help me?

SELECT TOCHAR(TODATE(123411111,'J'),'JSP') FROM DUAL it shows error i.e.Date picture format ends before converting into Entire string. Is it a Oracle function?? Are you sure?? From: Kanvik via oracle-dev-l mailto:oracle-dev-l@Groups.ITtoolbox.com Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2009 2:54 PM To: Garg, Sandeep Subject: RE:oracle-dev-l How to convert the figure in words? Posted by Kanvik (PL/SQL Developer) on Oct 7 at 5:24 AM Mark this reply as helpfulMark as helpful I tried but its telling spellmoney is an invalid identified. Is ti a fucntion.

Spellmoney is not a oracle built in function. From: anilchauhan85 via oracle-dev-l mailto:oracle-dev-l@Groups.ITtoolbox.com Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2009 3:00 PM To: MitS Subject: Re: oracle-dev-l How to convert the figure in words? Posted by anilchauhan85 (Oracle Report Writer) on Oct 7 at 5:18 AM Mark this reply as helpfulMark as helpful use select spellmoney(1234567) from dual On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 2:13 PM, Kanvik via oracle-dev-l wrote: Posted by Kanvik(Oracle AppsTechnical) on Oct 7 at 4:45 AM i.e. I want to convert 111 into one hundred eleven. I know i can do this through tochar(todate(111,'J'),'JSP) but then it limits upto 10 lakhs. If the amount is in crore then its gives its out of range for Julian date.

Can anybody Help me? SELECT TOCHAR(TODATE(123411111,'J'),'JSP') FROM DUAL it shows error i.e.Date picture format ends before converting into Entire string. HI Kanvik, please go to the link, someone have written a beautiful function. This will help you out. Regards, Sandeep Garg From: Kanvik via oracle-dev-l mailto:oracle-dev-l@Groups.ITtoolbox.com Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2009 2:42 PM To: Garg, Sandeep Subject: oracle-dev-l How to convert the figure in words? Posted by Kanvik (PL/SQL Developer) on Oct 7 at 5:13 AM Eg:- I want to convert the Total amount in Words i.e. If the total amount is 576 then it should be displayed as FIVE HUNDRED SEVENTY SIX.

I tried select tochar(todate(576,'J'),'JSP') it works but upto certain amount it can convert. If i give SELECT TOCHAR(TODATE(123411111,'J'),'JSP') FROM DUAL then it shows me an error that Date picture format ends before converting entire input sring. Or is there any fucntion in Reports 6i that can convert it directly.Plz Help. USE THE FOLLOWING FUNCTION: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fwords (pamount IN Number) RETURN Varchar2 IS TYPE typwordlist IS TABLE OF Varchar2(200) INDEX BY BINARYINTEGER; ttypwordlist typwordlist; TYPE typwordgap IS TABLE OF Varchar2(200) INDEX BY BINARYINTEGER; ttypwordgap typwordgap; - - Local Variables - vamount Number:= pamount; vamountlength Number; vwords Varchar2(10000); vpointfound Varchar2(1):= 'N'; vpointvalue Number; BEGIN /.Getting value after point if found./ vpointvalue:= SUBSTR(vamount,(INSTR(vamount,'.' ,1) + 1),2); /.Checking whether amount has any scale value also./ vpointfound:= CASE WHEN (INSTR(vamount,'.'

,1)) = 0 THEN 'N' WHEN (INSTR(vamount,'.' ,1)) 0 THEN 'Y' END; /.Converting amount into pure numeric format./ vamount:= FLOOR(ABS(vamount)); - vamountlength:= LENGTH(vamount); - ttypwordgap(2):= 'and Paise'; ttypwordgap(3):= 'Hundred'; ttypwordgap(4):= 'Thousand'; ttypwordgap(6):= 'Lakh'; ttypwordgap(8):= 'Crore'; ttypwordgap(10):= 'Arab'; - FOR i IN 1.99 LOOP ttypwordlist(i):= ToChar(ToDate(i,'J'),'Jsp'); END LOOP; - IF vamountlength 10 THEN vwords:= 'Value larger than specified precision allowed to convert into words. Maximum 10 digits allowed for precision.' ; END IF; RETURN (vwords); END fwords. Hope it will help u. I will look into that, will modify, and will post it by today Night.!!

Regards, Sandeep Garg From: Kanvik via oracle-dev-l mailto:oracle-dev-l@Groups.ITtoolbox.com Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2009 3:51 PM To: Garg, Sandeep Subject: RE:oracle-dev-l How to convert the figure in words? Posted by Kanvik (PL/SQL Developer) on Oct 7 at 6:27 AM Mark this reply as helpfulMark as helpful 1 thing i have noticed in that function that its not able to converts all the numbers except 100,200,300,40,500,60,700,800,900.

I dont know why. Sure why not its my Pleasure to share that function. Hi Kanvik, Build this Function you and give me your feedback.

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Don't forger to appreciate my effort by Clicking 'Mark as Helpful' if it works for you. Create or replace function numbertoword(vinnumber in number) return varchar2 as type myArray is table of varchar2(255); lstr myArray:= myArray( ', ' thousand ', ' million ', ' billion ', ' trillion ', ' quadrillion ', ' quintillion ', ' sextillion ', ' septillion ', ' octillion ', ' nonillion ', ' decillion ', ' undecillion ', ' duodecillion ' ); curnumber varchar2(50) default trunc(vinnumber); voutword varchar2(4000); begin for i in 1. Lstr.count loop exit when curnumber is null; if ( substr(curnumber, length(curnumber)-2, 3) 0 ) then voutword:= tochar(todate(substr(curnumber, length(curnumber)-2, 3),'j' ),'jsp' ) lstr(i) voutword; end if; curnumber:= substr( curnumber, 1, length(curnumber)-3 ); end loop; return initcap(nvl(voutword, 'zero')); end; / Cheers Nazmul Huda From: oracle-dev-l@Groups.ITtoolbox.com To: orion2u@hotmail.com Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2009 05:11:32 -0400 Subject: oracle-dev-l How to convert the figure in words?

Posted by Kanvik (PL/SQL Developer) on Oct 7 at 5:13 AM Eg:- I want to convert the Total amount in Words i.e. If the total amount is 576 then it should be displayed as FIVE HUNDRED SEVENTY SIX. I tried select tochar(todate(576,'J'),'JSP') it works but upto certain amount it can convert. If i give SELECT TOCHAR(TODATE(123411111,'J'),'JSP') FROM DUAL then it shows me an error that Date picture format ends before converting entire input sring. Or is there any fucntion in Reports 6i that can convert it directly.Plz Help.

Hi This is HARI 1.figures converted into words SQL select tochar(todate('&givenumber','j'),'jsp') from dual; But u got answer 7 digits only,because julian date is 7 number thats why it will give the only 7 figures only. Suppose u want more than 7 u check it once google k bye.

I will catch u later Regards HARI On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 6:56 PM, orion2u via oracle-dev-l wrote: Posted by orion2u(Programmer) on Oct 7 at 9:27 AM Generally I Split the Decimal points and Separately Pass is and CONCAT the output as my requirement. Give your Thanks by Marking this Answer as?Mark this reply as helpful? Your Making as helpful Points will encourage me for future participations. This works for me: CREATE OR REPLACE function fnamountspell (nAmt in number) return varchar2 as vAmt varchar2(100):= trim(tochar(nAmt, '999999.00')); vDecimalPart varchar2(2); vOutWord varchar2(1000); vOutWordAnd varchar2(1000); type tVarchar2Tab is table of varchar2(100) index by binaryinteger; tMagTab tVarchar2Tab; function fntoword3(vA3 in varchar2, nMagIndex in number:= 0) return varchar2 as vTmpWord3 varchar2(300); begin if vAmt like '%.%' then select substr(vAmt, instr(vAmt, '.'

) + 1) into vDecimalPart from dual; select substr(vAmt, 1, decode(instr(vAmt, '.' ), 0, length(vAmt), instr(vAmt, '.' This works for me: CREATE OR REPLACE function fnamountspell (nAmt in number) return varchar2 as vAmt varchar2(100):= trim(tochar(nAmt, '999999.00')); vDecimalPart varchar2(2); vOutWord varchar2(1000); vOutWordAnd varchar2(1000); type tVarchar2Tab is table of varchar2(100) index by binaryinteger; tMagTab tVarchar2Tab; function fntoword3(vA3 in varchar2, nMagIndex in number:= 0) return varchar2 as vTmpWord3 varchar2(300); begin if vAmt like '%.%' then select substr(vAmt, instr(vAmt, '.' ) + 1) into vDecimalPart from dual; select substr(vAmt, 1, decode(instr(vAmt, '.' ), 0, length(vAmt), instr(vAmt, '.' HI This is Hari 1.How to convert the numbers into words.

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SQLselect tochar(todate('&givenumber ','j'),'jsp') from dual; It will convert at a time 7 numbers only. This solution great.

Use your contry currency setting format. Faheem From: oracle-dev-l@Groups.ITtoolbox.com To: faheemsultan1981@hotmail.com Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2009 14:31:49 -0400 Subject: RE:oracle-dev-l How to convert the figure in words? Posted by elimu (engineer) on Oct 7 at 2:32 PM Mark as helpful This works for me: CREATE OR REPLACE function fnamountspell (nAmt in number) return varchar2 as vAmt varchar2(100):= trim(tochar(nAmt, '999999.00')); vDecimalPart varchar2(2); vOutWord varchar2(1000); vOutWordAnd varchar2(1000); type tVarchar2Tab is table of varchar2(100) index by binaryinteger; tMagTab tVarchar2Tab; function fntoword3(vA3 in varchar2, nMagIndex in number:= 0) return varchar2 as vTmpWord3 varchar2(300); begin if vAmt like '%.%' then select substr(vAmt, instr(vAmt, '.' ) + 1) into vDecimalPart from dual; select substr(vAmt, 1, decode(instr(vAmt, '.'

), 0, length(vAmt), instr(vAmt, '.' HI faheemsultan, This is Hari Q.HOW to convert the figures into words? Sqlselect tochar(todate('&givenumber','j'),'jsp') from dual; u got the answer through apply this query Regrads Hari On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 10:47 AM, APPsproblems via oracle-dev-l wrote: Posted by APPsproblems(APPS TEchno) on Oct 8 at 1:07 AM this solution great. Use your contry currency setting format.

Faheem From: oracle-dev-l@Groups.ITtoolbox.com To: faheemsultan1981@hotmail.com Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2009 14:31:49 -0400 Subject: RE:oracle-dev-l How to convert the figure in words? Posted by elimu (engineer) on Oct 7 at 2:32 PM Mark as helpful This works for me: CREATE OR REPLACE function fnamountspell (nAmt in number) return varchar2 as vAmt varchar2(100):= trim(tochar(nAmt'999999.00')); vDecimalPart varchar2(2); vOutWord varchar2(1000); vOutWordAnd varchar2(1000); type tVarchar2Tab is table of varchar2(100) index by binaryinteger; tMagTab tVarchar2Tab; function fntoword3(vA3 in varchar2, nMagIndex in number:= 0) return varchar2 as vTmpWord3 varchar2(300); begin if vAmt like '%.%' then select substr(vAmt, instr(vAmt, '.' ) + 1) into vDecimalPart from dual; select substr(vAmt, 1, decode(instr(vAmt, '.' ), 0, length(vAmt)instr(vAmt, '.' Hi hari you can use these function whihc will convert the Figure into words.


Hi, You can try this Function. It is so simple.Create the below function.

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