Client Api For Mac
. Adds the specified generic service identifier to the player's PlayFab account. This is designed to allow for a PlayFab ID lookup of any arbitrary service identifier a title wants to add. This identifier should never be used as authentication credentials, as the intent is that it is easily accessible by other players.
Adds or updates a contact email to the player's profile. Adds playfab username/password auth to an existing account created via an anonymous auth method, e.g. Automatic device ID login. Retrieves the user's PlayFab account details. Retrieves all of the user's different kinds of info. Retrieves the player's profile.
Retrieves the unique PlayFab identifiers for the given set of Facebook identifiers. Retrieves the unique PlayFab identifiers for the given set of Facebook Instant Game identifiers. Retrieves the unique PlayFab identifiers for the given set of Game Center identifiers (referenced in the Game Center Programming Guide as the Player Identifier).
Retrieves the unique PlayFab identifiers for the given set of generic service identifiers. A generic identifier is the service name plus the service-specific ID for the player, as specified by the title when the generic identifier was added to the player account. Retrieves the unique PlayFab identifiers for the given set of Google identifiers. The Google identifiers are the IDs for the user accounts, available as 'id' in the Google+ People API calls. Retrieves the unique PlayFab identifiers for the given set of Kongregate identifiers.
The Kongregate identifiers are the IDs for the user accounts, available as 'userid' from the Kongregate API methods(ex: ). Retrieves the unique PlayFab identifiers for the given set of Nintendo Switch identifiers. Retrieves the unique PlayFab identifiers for the given set of Steam identifiers. The Steam identifiers are the profile IDs for the user accounts, available as SteamId in the Steamworks Community API calls. Retrieves the unique PlayFab identifiers for the given set of Twitch identifiers.
The Twitch identifiers are the IDs for the user accounts, available as 'id' from the Twitch API methods (ex: ). Retrieves the unique PlayFab identifiers for the given set of XboxLive identifiers. Gets a Photon custom authentication token that can be used to securely join the player into a Photon room. See for more details.
Returns the title's base 64 encoded RSA CSP blob. Requests a challenge from the server to be signed by Windows Hello Passport service to authenticate. Signs the user in using the Android device identifier, returning a session identifier that can subsequently be used for API calls which require an authenticated user. Signs the user in using a custom unique identifier generated by the title, returning a session identifier that can subsequently be used for API calls which require an authenticated user. Signs the user into the PlayFab account, returning a session identifier that can subsequently be used for API calls which require an authenticated user.
Unlike most other login API calls, LoginWithEmailAddress does not permit the creation of new accounts via the CreateAccountFlag. Email addresses may be used to create accounts via RegisterPlayFabUser. Signs the user in using a Facebook access token, returning a session identifier that can subsequently be used for API calls which require an authenticated user. Signs the user in using a Facebook Instant Games ID, returning a session identifier that can subsequently be used for API calls which require an authenticated user. Requires Facebook Instant Games to be configured. Signs the user in using an iOS Game Center player identifier, returning a session identifier that can subsequently be used for API calls which require an authenticated user.
Signs the user in using their Google account credentials. Signs the user in using the vendor-specific iOS device identifier, returning a session identifier that can subsequently be used for API calls which require an authenticated user. Signs the user in using a Kongregate player account.
Signs the user in using a Nintendo Switch Device ID, returning a session identifier that can subsequently be used for API calls which require an authenticated user. Logs in a user with an Open ID Connect JWT created by an existing relationship between a title and an Open ID Connect provider. Signs the user into the PlayFab account, returning a session identifier that can subsequently be used for API calls which require an authenticated user. Unlike most other login API calls, LoginWithPlayFab does not permit the creation of new accounts via the CreateAccountFlag.
Username/Password credentials may be used to create accounts via RegisterPlayFabUser, or added to existing accounts using AddUsernamePassword. Signs the user in using a Steam authentication ticket, returning a session identifier that can subsequently be used for API calls which require an authenticated user. Signs the user in using a Twitch access token. Completes the Windows Hello login flow by returning the signed value of the challange from GetWindowsHelloChallenge. Windows Hello has a 2 step client to server authentication scheme.
Step one is to request from the server a challenge string. Step two is to request the user sign the string via Windows Hello and then send the signed value back to the server.
Signs the user in using a Xbox Live Token, returning a session identifier that can subsequently be used for API calls which require an authenticated user. Registers a new Playfab user account, returning a session identifier that can subsequently be used for API calls which require an authenticated user. You must supply either a username or an email address.
Registers a new PlayFab user account using Windows Hello authentication, returning a session ticket that can subsequently be used for API calls which require an authenticated user. Sets the player's secret if it is not already set. Player secrets are used to sign API requests. To reset a player's secret use the Admin or Server API method SetPlayerSecret. Character Data. Lists all of the characters that belong to a specific user.
CharacterIds are not globally unique; characterId must be evaluated with the parent PlayFabId to guarantee uniqueness. Retrieves a list of ranked characters for the given statistic, starting from the indicated point in the leaderboard. Retrieves the details of all title-specific statistics for the user. Retrieves a list of ranked characters for the given statistic, centered on the requested Character ID. Retrieves a list of all of the user's characters for the given statistic. Grants the specified character type to the user. CharacterIds are not globally unique; characterId must be evaluated with the parent PlayFabId to guarantee uniqueness.
Updates the values of the specified title-specific statistics for the specific character. By default, clients are not permitted to update statistics. Developers may override this setting in the Game Manager Settings API Features. This API retrieves a pre-signed URL for accessing a content file for the title. A subsequent HTTP GET to the returned URL will attempt to download the content.
A HEAD query to the returned URL will attempt to retrieve the metadata of the content. Note that a successful result does not guarantee the existence of this content - if it has not been uploaded, the query to retrieve the data will fail. See this post for more information:. Also, please be aware that the Content service is specifically PlayFab's CDN offering, for which standard CDN rates apply. Friend List Management. Adds the PlayFab user, based upon a match against a supplied unique identifier, to the friend list of the local user. At least one of FriendPlayFabId,FriendUsername,FriendEmail, or FriendTitleDisplayName should be initialized.
Retrieves the current friend list for the local user, constrained to users who have PlayFab accounts. Friends from linked accounts (Facebook, Steam) are also included.
You may optionally exclude some linked services' friends. Removes a specified user from the friend list of the local user. Updates the tag list for a specified user in the friend list of the local user Matchmaking.
Get details about all current running game servers matching the given parameters. Get details about the regions hosting game servers matching the given parameters.
Attempts to locate a game session matching the given parameters. If the goal is to match the player into a specific active session, only the LobbyId is required.
Otherwise, the BuildVersion, GameMode, and Region are all required parameters. Note that parameters specified in the search are required (they are not weighting factors).
If a slot is found in a server instance matching the parameters, the slot will be assigned to that player, removing it from the availabe set. In that case, the information on the game session will be returned, otherwise the Status returned will be GameNotFound. Start a new game server with a given configuration, add the current player and return the connection information. Platform Specific Methods. Registers the Android device to receive push notifications. Grants the player's current entitlements from Xbox Live, consuming all availble items in Xbox and granting them to the player's PlayFab inventory.
This call is idempotent and will not grant previously granted items to the player. Registers the iOS device to receive push notifications. Restores all in-app purchases based on the given restore receipt. Validates with Amazon that the receipt for an Amazon App Store in-app purchase is valid and that it matches the purchased catalog item. Validates a Google Play purchase and gives the corresponding item to the player.
Validates with the Apple store that the receipt for an iOS in-app purchase is valid and that it matches the purchased catalog item. Validates with Windows that the receipt for an Windows App Store in-app purchase is valid and that it matches the purchased catalog item Player Data Management.
Retrieves a list of ranked friends of the current player for the given statistic, starting from the indicated point in the leaderboard. Retrieves a list of ranked friends of the current player for the given statistic, centered on the requested PlayFab user. If PlayFabId is empty or null will return currently logged in user. Retrieves a list of ranked users for the given statistic, starting from the indicated point in the leaderboard. Retrieves a list of ranked users for the given statistic, centered on the requested player. If PlayFabId is empty or null will return currently logged in user.
Retrieves the indicated statistics (current version and values for all statistics, if none are specified), for the local player. Retrieves the information on the available versions of the specified statistic. Retrieves the title-specific custom data for the user which is readable and writable by the client. Retrieves the publisher-specific custom data for the user which is readable and writable by the client. Retrieves the publisher-specific custom data for the user which can only be read by the client.
Retrieves the title-specific custom data for the user which can only be read by the client. Updates the values of the specified title-specific statistics for the user. By default, clients are not permitted to update statistics.
Developers may override this setting in the Game Manager Settings API Features. Creates and updates the title-specific custom data for the user which is readable and writable by the client.
Rest Api Client For Mac
Creates and updates the publisher-specific custom data for the user which is readable and writable by the client Player Item Management. Increments the user's balance of the specified virtual currency by the stated amount. Confirms with the payment provider that the purchase was approved (if applicable) and adjusts inventory and virtual currency balances as appropriate.
Consume uses of a consumable item. When all uses are consumed, it will be removed from the player's inventory. Retrieves the specified character's current inventory of virtual goods. For payments flows where the provider requires playfab (the fulfiller) to initiate the transaction, but the client completes the rest of the flow.
In the Xsolla case, the token returned here will be passed to Xsolla by the client to create a cart. Poll GetPurchase using the returned OrderId once you've completed the payment.
Retrieves a purchase along with its current PlayFab status. Returns inventory items from the purchase that are still active. Retrieves the user's current inventory of virtual goods. Selects a payment option for purchase order created via StartPurchase. Buys a single item with virtual currency. You must specify both the virtual currency to use to purchase, as well as what the client believes the price to be. This lets the server fail the purchase if the price has changed.
Api Client For Mac
Adds the virtual goods associated with the coupon to the user's inventory. Coupons can be generated via the Economy-Catalogs tab in the PlayFab Game Manager. Creates an order for a list of items from the title catalog. Decrements the user's balance of the specified virtual currency by the stated amount.
It is possible to make a VC balance negative with this API. Opens the specified container, with the specified key (when required), and returns the contents of the opened container. If the container (and key when relevant) are consumable (RemainingUses 0), their RemainingUses will be decremented, consistent with the operation of ConsumeItem. Searches target inventory for an ItemInstance matching the given CatalogItemId, if necessary unlocks it using an appropriate key, and returns the contents of the opened container.
If the container (and key when relevant) are consumable (RemainingUses 0), their RemainingUses will be decremented, consistent with the operation of ConsumeItem. Adds users to the set of those able to update both the shared data, as well as the set of users in the group. Only users in the group can add new members.
Shared Groups are designed for sharing data between a very small number of players, please see our guide:. Requests the creation of a shared group object, containing key/value pairs which may be updated by all members of the group. Upon creation, the current user will be the only member of the group. Shared Groups are designed for sharing data between a very small number of players, please see our guide:. Retrieves data stored in a shared group object, as well as the list of members in the group. Non-members of the group may use this to retrieve group data, including membership, but they will not receive data for keys marked as private. Shared Groups are designed for sharing data between a very small number of players, please see our guide:.
Removes users from the set of those able to update the shared data and the set of users in the group. Only users in the group can remove members. If as a result of the call, zero users remain with access, the group and its associated data will be deleted.
Shared Groups are designed for sharing data between a very small number of players, please see our guide:. Adds, updates, and removes data keys for a shared group object.
If the permission is set to Public, all fields updated or added in this call will be readable by users not in the group. By default, data permissions are set to Private. Regardless of the permission setting, only members of the group can update the data. Shared Groups are designed for sharing data between a very small number of players, please see our guide: Title-Wide Data Management.
Accepts an open trade (one that has not yet been accepted or cancelled), if the locally signed-in player is in the allowed player list for the trade, or it is open to all players. If the call is successful, the offered and accepted items will be swapped between the two players' inventories. Cancels an open trade (one that has not yet been accepted or cancelled). Note that only the player who created the trade can cancel it via this API call, to prevent griefing of the trade system (cancelling trades in order to prevent other players from accepting them, for trades that can be claimed by more than one player). Gets all trades the player has either opened or accepted, optionally filtered by trade status. Gets the current status of an existing trade. Opens a new outstanding trade.
Note that a given item instance may only be in one open trade at a time.