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The keyboard translation code only deals with normal keys and keys with a shift modifier. Non-numeric keypad keys cannot be guaranteed to give the same character sequence when the keyboard is changed from one layout to another. So only use '0-9' from that block. It is due to EFI only returning a US ANSII character equivalent and no modifier keys. During translation, the normal keyboard key takes precedence over the numeric keypad key.
Sophos 12mo Rnwl Safeguard File Encrypt For Mac
This affects the non-numeric keys on the numeric keypad, this means the '=', '/', ', '-', '+' keys. These keys may translate into a different character due to the keyboard layout. For example, on a German keyboard the numeric keypad ' key will translate into the keyboard '(' character. The code has been developed and tested with the following keyboards: US, French, German. There is no guarantee that other keyboards work. Download creative zen mp3 software.