How To Show The Full Website Address In Safari For Mac
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Change Websites preferences in Safari on Mac In the Safari app on your Mac, use Websites preferences to customize how you browse individual websites. To change these preferences, choose Safari Preferences, then click Websites. The settings you can customize (such as Reader and Content Blockers) are listed in the column on the left.
To apply a setting to a website in the list: Select the website in the right column, then choose the option you want. To apply a setting to all websites that aren’t currently customized: Click the “When visiting other websites” pop-up menu in the bottom-right corner of the pane, then choose the option you want.
You can see all websites you’ve customized under Configured Websites. If you don’t see Configured Websites, either you haven’t customized a website yet, or you’ve cleared the list.
To apply a setting to all websites: Make sure no websites are listed under Configured Websites (to clear the list quickly, select the websites, then click Remove). Click the “When visiting other websites” pop-up menu, then choose the option you want. Reader For the sites you specified, choose one of the following:. On: Automatically use Safari Reader to display webpage articles on the site without ads or other distractions. Off: Don’t use Reader by default on the site.
(You can still choose to use Reader for articles on the site.) Content Blockers For the sites you specified, choose one of the following:. On: Stop ads and other unwanted content from appearing on the site. Off: Don’t block ads and other unwanted content on the site. Auto-Play For the sites you specified, choose one of the following:. Allow All Auto-Play: All videos on the site can autoplay.
Stop Media with Sound: Only videos that don’t have audio will autoplay. Never Auto-Play: No videos can autoplay. Page Zoom For the sites you specified, choose a percentage of zoom to make text and images on the site easier to see.
Camera For the sites you specified, choose one of the following:. Ask: The site must ask if it can use the camera on your Mac. Deny: The site can’t use your camera. Allow: The site can always use your camera. Microphone For the sites you specified, choose one of the following:. Ask: The site must ask if it can use the microphone on your Mac. Deny: The site can’t use your microphone.
Allow: The site can always use your microphone. Location For the sites you specified, choose one of the following:. Ask: The site must ask if it can use your location. Deny: The site can’t use your location.
Allow: The site can always use your location. Notifications For the sites you specified, choose one of the following:. Allow: The site can always send you notifications.
Deny: The site can’t send you notifications. For all sites:.
Allow websites to ask for permission to send push notifications: When you visit a website that can send you notifications, you see a dialog asking if you want to receive them. To stop seeing the dialog, deselect this option. Pop-up Windows Block pop-up windows that appear when you open or close a webpage. For the sites you specified, choose one of the following:. Block and Notify: When you visit the site, Safari displays an icon in the. You can click the icon to display the pop-up windows.
Block: The site can’t display pop-up windows. Allow: The site can display pop-up windows. Note: Some websites use pop-up windows for essential content. WebGL For the sites you specified, choose one of the following:. Ask: You see a dialog asking whether you want to trust the site’s use of WebGL.
Block: The site can’t show WebGL content. Allow: The site can use WebGL, unless WebGL presents a security risk on your computer.
Allow Always: The site can use WebGL, even if WebGL presents a critical security risk on your computer. Choosing Allow Always may present a security risk, so only select this option for websites you trust. The WebGL setting appears only for computers that may present a security risk. If the setting doesn’t appear, the site can show WebGL content.
Plug-ins Websites use plug-ins for video, animation, or other special content. Some plug-ins may track your browsing history. To disable a plug-in, deselect the checkbox to the left of the plug-in’s name.
If a plug-in isn’t listed, see. For the sites you specified, choose one of the following:.
Ask: When you visit the site, Safari displays a placeholder instead of the plug-in content. You can click the placeholder to allow the website to use the plug-in.
Off: When you visit the site, Safari tries to load the content without using the plug-in. If the site requires the plug-in, Safari displays a placeholder instead of the plug-in content. You can click the placeholder to allow the website to use the plug-in.
On: Safari lets the site use the plug-in, unless it’s blocked by macOS File Quarantine. See the Apple Support article. For more security options, hold down the Option key, click the site’s pop-up menu, then choose a policy:. Enable Security Protection: Safari prevents the site from using the plug-in if it’s blocked by macOS File Quarantine. To run the plug-in, deselect Enable Security Protection.
Deselecting Enable Security Protection may present a security risk, so choose this option only for a website you trust. Run in Safe Mode: Safari lets the site use the plug-in but runs checks. To run the plug-in outside of Safe Mode, deselect Run in Safe Mode. Deselecting Run in Safe Mode may present a security risk, so choose this option only for a website you trust. Currently Open Websites These websites are open in a window or tab in Safari. You might have previously chosen an option from the pop-up menu for some of these websites. Configured Websites You’ve previously chosen an option from the pop-up menu for these websites.
Your selection for “When visiting other websites” doesn’t apply to them. Remove Delete the selected website from the list of Configured Websites.
When visiting other websites The setting in this pop-up menu applies to all websites except for those listed under Configured Websites.
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How To Show The Full Website Address In Safari For Mac
The web browser’s address bar and toolbar (at the bottom) disappears when you’re browsing, and you might have figured out how to bring it back by accident, but not in a systematic way. Nothing sucks the joy out of using a smartphone than not really being sure how to do something, so here are three ways to re-appear that sucker on your iPhone. The first way to unhide the toolbar and address bar is to tap on the top of the iPhone screen, either in portrait or landscape mode. This will bring you to the top of the web page, and then show you the address bar and toolbar along the bottom. If you don’t want to go to the top of the webpage, though, you can also swipe downwards in the middle of the screen, and let go.
Like a short, sharp swipe downwards. If you do it correctly, the toolbar and address bar will appear. The final, and perhaps easiest way to unhide these bits of browser is to simply tap on the bottom of the iPhone screen. This will bring up the toolbars without moving the webpage, and without having to remember the swipe gesture. All three will work; which you use will be up to your own preference, of course, but at least you can now bring up the address and toolbar without fumbling around, willy-nilly.