Toneport Gx Driver For Mac


Sorry for the late reply, I was recently working on some other features of the driver. Could you please give some more information:.) What steps are required to reset the device such that you can use it again under Linux (at least the guitar input)? Is it sufficient to disconnect and reconnect the USB cable?.) Please post the output of the command 'lsusb -v -d 0e41:', once.before.

booting Windows, and once.after. choosing the mic input under Windows (and rebooting Linux) as described in your posting.

Kind regards, Markus. Two more things:.) The most useful information would be the USB packets sent to the device under Windows to switch between line and mic input.

Line 6 toneport gx

There are several tools available for this task, e.g.: -) (free, works for Windows XP, but not for newer versions) -) (commercial, but free evaluation, works for all Windows versions) If you can provide such information, it might be possible to add support for this feature even without having the device here for experimentation.) Can you use both the line and mic input of your device at the same time under Windows? Thanks & kind regards, Markus. Thanks for the data!

As you probably noticed, the 'lsusb' are all the same, which means that at least the device is not magically reconfigured, but appears on the bus always with the same set of features (which is good). In the log files, always the same endpoints are addressed, so there must be some other place where the proper input is selected. May I ask you to create some more logs? I would like to see the following: 1.) Start the GearBox software 2.) Start USB logging 3.) Choose 'Microphone' in the 'Source Select' combo box (unless it is already selected, then start with a different input mode) 4.) Stop USB logging and save the log file And the same for 'Instrument' and 'Inst & Mic' in step 3.) If GearBox can be prevented from performing any audio I/O, please do so, otherwise perform steps 2.) to 4.) in quick succession to at least keep the log files small.

Kind regards, Markus. Ok, I found something, hopefully the famous needle in the haystack:-) I modified the driver to always send the command to the UX1 which (according to your logs) chooses mic&instrument.

Line 6 Toneport Drivers

I'm not sure, however, if I use this command properly, so can you please try the most recent version of the driver? BTW, could you please explain how the mic & instrument channels are used under Windows? Do you get two separate recording channels when you choose 'mic&instrument' (such that you can record 'mic' in one file and 'instrument' in a different file at the same time), or are 'mic' and 'instrument' mixed together into a single channel? Kind regards, Markus. As I understand you did the following: 1.) Power up your computer and directly boot Linux (without booting Windows before), 2.) Confirm with some application (which one?) that mic and guitar are both recorded and mixed into a single channel, 3.) Try the same in audacity, but you only got the guitar signal? You could try to reload the line6usb driver module immediately before starting audacity (and if that helps, I can try to modify the driver such that you.don't. have to do this).


Kind regards, Markus P.S. I think there should be some ALSA controls to select the input setup (mic, guitar, or both). I will try to 'blindly' implement some and ask you for testing then. The current revision 632 has a 'PCM Capture Source' control for the TonePort UX1. You can access the switch with ALSA mixer tools, e.g., 'alsamixer' (the.console. application, 'alsamixergui' does.not. work) and 'kmix'.

Line 6 toneport gx

Since I don't have an UX1, I need your help to get it right, so could you please test this and provide the following information:.) In which order (from top to bottom) do the entries 'Instrument', 'Microphone' and 'Inst & Mic' appear in the 'source select' field in the Windows GearBox software?.) Which of these three options is selected by default when GearBox is launched?.) Does the 'PCM Capture Source' control correctly set the input(s) to be used in the Linux Line6 driver?.) If so, does changing the input source also work while recording? Thanks & kind regards, Markus. Thanks a lot! Two comments on this:.) The same code is sent to the device for the Line 1, Line 1+2, and Line stereo inputs. I guess that the stereo signal is transmitted to the PC for all 'Line' variants, and that the appropriate signal is assembled in software according to the selected variant (1, 2, 1+2, and stereo).) The log file for 'Line 2' is empty.

Although I don't expect to see anything new there, it would be helpful to have a look to be sure. Could you please try to create the log again when switching from 'Mic' to 'Line 2'? I updated the driver to include a 'Line' option in the 'source select' control (revision 638), could you please test this? Moreover, I can easily imagine an experiment to confirm the above assumption regarding the stereo signal. However, it requires 8 log files to be produced.

I have a UX2 device and like to install the linux drivers. I use xubuntu as my distro, but it should not be any different from ubunut, right? I have tried to install the drivers several times, but with no luck. Sometimes I get sound in the right side, and sometimes when I try to get Ardour working the soung gets all messed up. Can I use the same steps as described for UX1? I really want to get this working, so even tough my skills in linux are limited I will try to provide the information you need to (maybe) get this working!

One other thing is that I dont know if my software, jack, arbour, audacity, is set up right, but i have tried with different settings. Thanks for fast reply!

First, when i try to start the system with the deivce plugged in, i get som sort of error and the system wont boot. And if i plug it in when the system is up running i cant find any cature devises. Alsamixer says: 'This sound device does not have any capture controls.' When i press F4, and i can just see PCM and Monitor when i view all channels. One more thing that i find a little wierd is that the alsamixer find the card but no chip: Card: POD Studio UX2 Chip: (empty field.) I have tried to install the drivers with same instructions as you mentioned here: And i have tried to 'sudo./' before reinstalling drivers, but this program says 'No old version of the podxtpro driver has been found on your system, you can now install line6usb version 0.6 or later.' Even tough i have installed it several times.

Sorry about the audio! I was using a condenser mic that only picks up really loud sound. But i guess i dialed in my mixer so it picked up my voice a little to strong haha. As for the guitar being loud. I had a little gain on the mixer i didnt notice (which was also on the vocals) Programs used: Live 6 toneport pod farm or gearbox Propellerhead Record anyway enjoy! In this video i show you how to use the toneports in any program and how to use it as a sound audio interface, clean dry input device:) oh and cubers!

(i know i always say that but im getting a new camera soon and working on my old videos):) Hope you like it! Comment or message me for requests!