Tetex Mod For Mac
I often face the problem of sorting through thousands of pictures and wanting to create some sensible hierarchy before importing them into anotherprogram or burning them to a DVD. This tip will move pictures into a year/month directory hierarchy naming each file based on the day and time it was taken. This usually corresponds well to subject or location.
THIS HINT WILL MOVE AND RENAME YOUR FILES. DO NOT RUN IT ON YOUR ONLY COPY! Read the rest of the hint for the how-to. robg adds: Heed the warnings; do not do this to your only copy of a given set of images! Personally, I just let iPhoto manage everything, but then again, I don't take and manage images for a living. Here a little shell script I wrote for easily switching from one Mac to another, or from one system to a new one.
Sure, it is possible to use Carbon Copy Cloner or Apple's Software Restore, but these tools will copy all the stuff from one machine to another. And sometimes, it is good to start with a clean state. So you have to copy the data in /Users, but there are some other little configuration files that take a long time to customize. So here is a script to handle those items.
What does it do? A folder is created, named with the current date. The Apache configuration files, the FTP files, the SystemConfiguration files, and the the crontab are copied to this folder. I like because it's relatively simple to set up. Update to outlook 365 v 15.21.1 for mac.
Tetex Mod For Mac
For convenience, I use it only with binaries - Tetex, GnuCash, xnmap. Everything works with a few clicks of a mouse. But it took me ages to figure out the path problem.
For some reason, Apple X11's xterm couldn't remember fink's /sw/bin path. I configured /.xinitrc (as recommended in fink FAQ and earlier hints) and various bash profiles. But I never got it right. The fink FAQ recommends to prefix fink applications with a source command. That works nicely. For example: source /sw/bin/init.sh; gnucashBut I don't want to prefix every command I type in a terminal window.
For example, when sudo-ing xnmap or running latex on a file several times before launching xdvi. The fink FAQ recommends to customize applications in the Applications menu in X11 with the source prefix. In X11, I chose Applications - GnuCash to launch GnuCash.
Very nice, indeed. And here's the hint: Do the same with xterm. In Apple X11's Applications menu, choose Customize. And change the default entry for xterm to: source /sw/bin/init.sh; xterm -sbThat's it. Fink applications launch in X11 from a command line. No need to configure system files, write shell scripts or prefix commands individually with source /sw/bin/init.sh. BTW, I use -sb to add a scrollbar to the xterm window.
I don't know if this hint is too obvious. The trick is that xterm is not a fink application. Xterm launches also without the source prefix ( which xterm returns /usr/X11R6/bin/xterm), so it took some time before I tried to prefix it also.
In unix, most scripting languages accept line-initial # as a comment marker. This allows the file-inital shebang sequence ( #!) to be used to automatically exec the interpreter on a script. I wanted this functionality for AppleScript (which I am trying to learn), but AppleScript accepts only (.) and - as its comment markers, so it is basically incompatible with the shebang method. However, there is a convention in unix that executable files that do not have a recognizable header (of which #!
Is one) are passed to /bin/sh for execution. This allows considerable flexibility for use with AppleScript. The most basic idea is to use a first line containing: exec osascript. Moving across from Linux, I needed to get GnuPG working with Apple Mail. There is a GPG plugin called which adds the required functionality.
I downloaded and installed GPGMail, but when I fired up Mail, it complained that it couldn't find the gpg executable in /usr/local/bin. This is because DarwinPorts installs into /opt/local.
So I created a symbolic link in /usr/local/bin to the gpg execuatable, restarted Mail and it works!To do o this, open Terminal and run the following: sudo ln -s /opt/local/bin/gpg /usr/local/bin/gpgType your password when prompted. When complete, restart Mail and all is well. Thanks GPGMail people!
I have an Xsense Macsense router (WSR-5000) that I have been using for the last few years; works great. One of it's features is the ability to port forward, so I have set it to forward port 22 to one of my home machines so I can ssh into it. However, I was experiencing some annoying hangs - if I left the connection idle for about 10 minutes, the connection would freeze and finally disconnect, even though the home machine was set to never sleep. That became frustrating enough that I did some investigation. It appears that this router - and I think a good many others, as well - have an idle timeout that times out internet-lan connections. I traded some emails with the Xsense guys, and they confirmed the timeout on their router - and said that there was no way to either disable it or to change the timeout period.
Fortunately, the ssh guys have this figured out already. By opening /etc/sshdconfig in your favorite editor ( sudo required), and adding the line ClientAliveInterval 120, you set the ssh daemon to 're-awaken' the connection every 120 seconds, which is enough in my case to keep the connection active and prevents the ssh session from hanging. Read the man ssh page for more. I don't know if Apple's AirPort Base Stations also have an idle timeout like this, but there's no reason to think that this hint wouldn't work with them if they do.