Aws Developer Forums: Ec2 Command Line Tools For Mac
You can work with two accounts by creating two on the aws command line. It will prompt you for your and desired region, so have them ready.
Examples: $ aws configure -profile account1 $ aws configure -profile account2 You can then switch between the accounts by passing the profile on the command. $ aws dynamodb list-tables -profile account1 $ aws s3 ls -profile account2 Note: If you name the profile to be default it will become default profile i.e. When no -profile param in the command. More on default profile If you spend more time using account1, you can make it the default by setting the AWSDEFAULTPROFILE environment variable. When the default environment variable is set, you do not need to specify the profile on each command.
Linux, OS X Example: $ export AWSDEFAULTPROFILE=account1 $ aws dynamodb list-tables Windows Example: $ set AWSDEFAULTPROFILE=account1 $ aws s3 ls.
I need help/guide how I can open my ssh access from a GUI or Filezilla. Here's the scenario my developer just left me with the login info to my Amazon EC2. Now I am finding difficulties in understanding all this stuff. I used PuTTy and command prompt just to connect to my server using ssh process.
It uses some bridge process just to connect to my actual server. Right now he provided me 2 sets of login. Set1. username.
somepassword Set2. ssh username@123.456.789.123. somepassword my process in Set1 I enter '' in the hostname of PuTTy. After I hit Open It will open a terminal and will asked for a username. Thats where I provide my Set1 username and password.
Ounce login, I then perform Set2 Details. I will use 'ssh username@123.456.789.123' after I enter it, It will then asked for my password. From there, when I do 'DIR' in command prompt I will see al my files there. I wanted to download a directory there to my local drive but I am not familiar with the commands. I would like to access it just by using FileZilla or similar. And I've also tried but I don't know what I'd miss, because It didn't work for me.
I downloaded a.pem file from the set1 because I can also access it using a regular FTP (filezilla) and I then converted that.pem file to.ppk. Right now I'm kinda confuse what login info I should use for my FileZilla to access the server. I had success in loging via FTP using Set1 login details. But my files aren't there. I only saw some folders and a.pem file. I can't login to my Filezilla using set2 details.
I tried FTP and SFTP. I also added the.ppk file in the settings of my fileZilla. But I had no success in loging in.
Any ideas what did I miss? I use instead of FileZilla to transfer files to/from my EC2 instance. Is very simple. In addition, WinSCP provides a very nice GUI (I use the version that looks/acts like the regular Windows Explorer interface).
Note the PPK file is associated with the username and password from Set2. Set1 simply connects you to a computer that has the credentials needed to access the EC2 instance. Since you transferred the.pem (ssh private key) file, you should not need to use Set1 anymore. Update: Your developer may have configured your EC2 instance to only accept connections from Go to the to see if that is the problem (Note the AWS account username and password are probably different than any of the passwords above):.
First, find out which security groups your EC2 instance is a member of. Then find out which inbound connections are allowed for those security groups. You need to find/add a rule that allows port 22(SSH) from your IP address. This source IP will allow all SSH requests from anywhere: Alternatively, you can try making an ssh connection from your local machine to figure how why the sftp connection is not working. Use, the command-line version of Putty, with your PPK file and the -v option (for verbose.) The process for seems quite convoluted. (Hint: you give your password to Pageant, not FileZilla!
Aws Developer Forums Ec2 Command Line Tools For Mac
If you insist on using FileZilla, follow the instructions below: Now run Pageant. In your system tray, you'll see the Pageant icon appear. Right-click the icon and select 'Add Key' and select your private key (PPK) file. Follow the prompt to enter your pass phrase and you're done. Now simply launch FileZilla and connect to your server using SFTP using SSH2 with a username and an empty password. Thanks so much in taking time for helping me. I am not able to access Amazon console since the developer didn't provided me.
I think it is not letting me access the set2 host if its not coming from the set1 bridge. Are there way around? I am able to access the server using command line and using set1 then set2 info. But I can't go directly to set2 without loging in to set1. Is there a way I can just download a directory inside terminal?
Do I need to use sftp command in the terminal? – Aug 15 '11 at 4:52. To connect to a running Amazon EC2 instance with Filezilla:. Edit - Settings - Connection - SFTP. Click 'Add keyfile.' .
Browse to the location of your.pem file and select it. A message box will appear asking your permission to convert the file into a supported format. Click Yes, then give the file a name and store it somewhere safe.
If the new file is shown in the list of Keyfiles, then continue to the next step. If not, then click 'Add keyfile.' And select the converted file. File - Site Manager. Add a new site wih the following paramerters:.
Host: 123.456.789.123. Protocol: SFTP. Logon Type: Normal. User: username. Connect to the new server. I was tinkering with Filezilla tonight and FINALLY managed a connection - in Active mode, no less. Here's how to do it:.
Set the IP address ( Edit - Settings - Active Mode - Use the following IP address:) to the private one from your AWS dashboard. Set passive mode ( Edit - Settings - Passive Mode) to 'Fall back to active mode'.
Set inbound SSH port in security groups to port 22. Log in to s (replace the 1's with your IP, of course) with your username (no @ or anything) and password, and port 22 selected.